
A Software Engineer and Occasional Writer.

Working With PHP Interceptors

19 February 2014

PHP provides some handful methods which can be used within your classes to intercept messages sent to undefined methods and properties .Some developers call this overloading .These methods like `__construct()` method which invoked when you instantiate object. Let's explores these methods.

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PHP Packages and Namespaces

19 February 2014

Package is a set of PHP classes grouped in some manner .Many developers use file system to organise their applications because PHP has no native concept of a package until PHP 5.3 .With PHP 5.3 ,namespaces become part of PHP .I know that most of us think many times before using namespaces in any commercial code .you know ,not all servers support PHP 5.3 but this will be for a while.

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How To Create Custom Tables In WordPress

18 February 2014

WordPress creates 11 tables to store settings, users data, posts data, comments data, links and terms. In many cases wordpress tables can fit perfectly our plugin data but sometimes you need to create custom tables. WordPress provides a handful function that can create your custom tables and update their structure easily.

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WordPress HTTP API Best Practice

18 February 2014

After you fine tuned wordpress HTTP API ,it is the time to put your codes in a larger practice. I thick the best practice on HTTP API is wordpress plugin upgrades. Agreat trait of wordpress is that you can create plugins for public use and host them on wordpress servers. In this case you don't have to think about plugin upgrades because twice daily, wordpress sends requests to `` to check latest updates (visit More Details) .One of these requests a list of all plugins currently installed. The API server replies with a list of new versions and informations about them if available.

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How To Make HTTP Requests with WordPress

18 February 2014

In the modern web "means 2.0", Web applications communicate with each other to gather and share data in between .Your wordpress blog is no exception that's why wordpress implemented a smart and powerful class WP_Http since version 2.7.0 .This class supports all methods you need to use.

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How To Internationalize Your Wordpress Plugin

07 November 2013

Internationalization is the process of preparing your wordpress plugins for use in many languages. although wordpress uses english as its default language, it is used all over the world and many of its users don't read or write in english. also as a developer, you may need to reach a large scale of users and provide a simple tool for users to add their languages.

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