
A Software Engineer and Occasional Writer.

Learning Wordpress Users API

03 April 2014

Wordpress powers many large websites with thousands of users like blogs, applications, social networks and much more. You will deal with many cases in which you need to work with users and fortunately wordpress has many functions to handle users.

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Working With Roles and Capabilities of WordPress Users

30 March 2014

Wordpress ships with a powerful roles and capabilities system which control users permissions. Roles enable plugin developers to group users, each group has its own permissions. Understanding roles and capabilities is important aspect of plugin development.

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How To Create Custom Validation Rules With Laravel

27 March 2014

You don't need laravel built in validation rules and wish if you could create your own validation rules. Well, fortunately laravel is very flexible as it allows you to build your own validation rules and with a bunch of ways.

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Working With WordPress Transients API

23 March 2014

The wordpress transients API offers a simple and powerful way to store volatile data in database. It is similar to plugin options API but transients have an expiration time then it will expired and deleted.

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How To Validate Forms With Laravel Part1

13 March 2014

We discussed before form creation with laravel and I think the important thing you need to learn right now is form validation. You should always validate forms to ensure that you receive good data. You shouldn't trust your clients or they will exploit your application.

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