My World Feels Different Now!
30 January 2017
My heart is shattered. He was taken from us too soon in a car accident. He was my best friend and the most loving brother a person could ask for.
30 January 2017
My heart is shattered. He was taken from us too soon in a car accident. He was my best friend and the most loving brother a person could ask for.
20 September 2014
WP_Query is the heart of WordPress. It gives you a lot of control over the website content as well as holding important informations for debugging. It makes building complicated queries a lot easier by passing criteria as an associative array. Understanding WP_Query is a must for theme developers.
01 August 2014
Securing your wordpress plugin isn't a difficult task or cumbersome because wordpress implements several tools to make your code safe and secure. We will exploore how to secure your plugins from internet pirates.
22 July 2014
WordPress offers an object that can be used to access data form default tables and custom tables. The $wpdb object contains several methods to read, insert, delete and update records from tables. Let's explore these methods in details.
29 June 2014
Integrating your plugin in wordpress is the first step in building plugins. There are many different ways to integrate your plugins including adding menus and submenus, adding metaboxes and adding widgets. Let's explore how to add menus and submenus for wordpress plugins.
22 June 2014
Wordpress provides a great API to create and interact with widgets. Widgets are a great way to allow plugin users to build their blog sidebar easily. I will show you how to create widgets, add widget options and display it in the sidebar.
30 May 2014
PHP5 introduced exceptions, a completely different way to handle errors. Simply, exceptions like sensors detect any error occur within your code and output a bunch of data to handle these errors. Let's see how these exceptions work.
06 May 2014
MySQL aliases are simply nicknames used to express tables, columns and functions' names. These nicknames can be used in your queries to make them short and neat. Let's explore this feature.
06 May 2014
In order to build hyperlinks in our applications. We might do this by hand but laravel provides a number of helpers to build URLs. Let's explore them.
06 May 2014
PHP provides a set of functions to test classes and objects. These functions allow you to know more information about classes and objects that you are using at runtime. All these functions provided by PHP reflection API but their simplicity make them the first choice.