
A Software Engineer and Occasional Writer.

Working With WordPress Users Metadata

24 March 2014

Wordpress users metadata used to store additional data related to users. We will discuss how to set, retrieve, update and delete metadata.

Saving User Metadata

To save user metadata, Use add_user_meta() function. This function has the following syntax.

//save user metadata syntax
add_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $unique);

As you can see, This function accepts 4 parameters:

  • $user_id: Each metadata value attached to user by its id.
  • $meta_key: Metadata name.
  • $meta_value: Metadata value.
  • $unique: A boolean value to identify if metadata key accept multiple values. By default, it is set to false.

Let’s create metadata, One with unique value and another that accepts multiple values.

//add unique metadata
add_user_meta(1, 'clivern_plugin_song', 'Fireworks', true);
//add metadata that accept duplicate values
add_user_meta(1, 'clivern_plugin_books', 'PHP Ninga', false);
add_user_meta(1, 'clivern_plugin_books', 'JS Ninga', false);

Updating User Metadata

To update user metadata, Use update_user_meta() function. This function has the following syntax.

//update user metadata syntax
update_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value);

This function has 4 parameters:

  • $user_id: The user id.
  • $meta_key: Metadata name to be updated.
  • $meta_value: Metadata new value.
  • $prev_value:previous value of metadata. It is optional so if supplied, only metadata with that value will be updated otherwise all metadata with supplied $meta_key will be updated.

Let’s update previously created metadata.

//set your song to home town glory
update_user_meta(1, 'clivern_plugin_song', 'Home Town Glory');
//change php ninga book to wordpress ninga book
update_user_meta(1, 'clivern_plugin_books', 'WordPress Ninga', 'PHP Ninga');

Retrieving User Metadata

To retrieve user metadata, Use get_user_meta() function. This function has the following syntax.

//retrieve user metadata
$metadata_value = get_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key, $single);

This function has 3 parameters:

  • $user_id: The user id.
  • $meta_key: Metadata name. If omitted, function will return array of all metadata for supplied user id.
  • $single: A boolean value to identify whether you want the return value to be string or an array.

Let’s retrieve previously created metadata.

//retrieve user song
$song = get_user_meta(1, 'clivern_plugin_song', true);
//retrieve user books
$books = get_user_meta(1, 'clivern_plugin_books', false);

 * outputs
 * string 'Home Town Glory' (length=15)

  * outputs
  * array (size=2)
  *   0 => string 'WordPress Ninga' (length=15)
  *   1 => string 'JS Ninga' (length=8)

Deleting User Metadata

To dump user metadata, Use delete_user_meta() function. This function has the following syntax.

//dump user metadata
delete_user_meta($user_id, $meta_key, $meta_value);

You should be familiar with the first two parameters. The third parameter used to supply metadata value to delete in case of duplicate metadata. Let’s dump previously created metadata.

//dump song
delete_user_meta(1, 'clivern_plugin_song');
//dump all books
delete_user_meta(1, 'clivern_plugin_books');