Custom Queries with WordPress WP_Query

Custom Queries with WordPress WP_Query

WP_Query is the heart of WordPress. It gives you a lot of control over the website content as well as holding important informations for debugging. It makes building complicated queries a lot easier by passing criteria as an associative array. Understanding WP_Query is a must for theme developers.

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Working With WordPress wpdb Object

Working With WordPress wpdb Object

WordPress offers an object that can be used to access data form default tables and custom tables. The $wpdb object contains several methods to read, insert, delete and update records from tables. Let’s explore these methods in details.

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How To Create WordPress Widgets

How To Create Wordpress Widgets

WordPress provides a great API to create and interact with widgets. Widgets are a great way to allow plugin users to build their blog sidebar easily. I will show you how to create widgets, add widget options and display it in the sidebar.

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PHP Errors Handling

PHP Errors Handling

PHP5 introduced exceptions, a completely different way to handle errors. Simply, exceptions like sensors detect any error occur within your code and output a bunch of data to handle these errors. Let’s see how these exceptions work.

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