
A Software Engineer and Occasional Writer.

Building a Neovim Plugin

07 March 2025

Creating Neovim plugins with Lua can significantly enhance your development workflow. This guide will walk you through building a simple plugin that displays a daily quote using the :Quote command.

In a nutshell the plugin is supposed to do a curl request to fetch a quote from different sources whenever we type :Quote command.

$ curl -s | jq '.[0].q'

"Get busy living or get busy dying"

Plugin Architecture

Neovim plugins typically follow a specific structure:

├── lua/
│   └── module/
│       ├── init.lua
│       └── sub_modules.lua
└── plugin/
    └── plugin_name.lua
  • The lua/ directory contains the main plugin logic.
  • The plugin/ directory holds files that are automatically executed when Neovim starts.

Let’s start to build the new plugin


First, let’s set up the plugin directory locally from a neovim plugin template:

$ git clone
$ mv teacup.nvim quote.nvim
$ cd quote.nvim
$ rm -rf .git
$ git init
$ git branch -m main

# Replace with your repository
$ git remote add origin [email protected]:Clivern/quote.nvim.git
$ git push -u origin main

Plugin Loading

During development, you can load the plugin from a directory.

-- lazy.nvim
    dir = "~/plugins/quote.nvim",
    dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },

Once the plugin is working as expected, you can switch to the remote github repository.

-- lazy.nvim
    dependencies = {

Implementing the Quote Fetcher

Create lua/site/zenquotes.lua. This module uses plenary.nvim to fetch a quote from Zenquotes API. In case the HTTP request fails for any reason, it will show a specific error message.

--- file lua/site/zenquotes.lua
local curl = require("plenary.curl")
local json = vim.fn.json_decode

local M = {}

---@return string
M.get_zen_quote = function()
  local response = curl.get("")

  if response.status == 200 then
    local data = json(response.body)

    if data and type(data) == "table" and #data > 0 then
      return data[1].q
      return "The Quote Well Has Run Dry!"
    return "The Quote Well Has Run Dry!"

return M

Main Plugin Logic

Create lua/quote.lua:

-- lua/quote.lua
local zq = require("site.zenquotes")

---@class Config
local config = {
  site = "zenquotes",

local M = {}

---@type Config
M.config = config

-- get quote method
M.get_quote = function()
  if == "zenquotes" then
    return zq.get_zen_quote()
    return "No Quotes for You... Until Setup is Complete!"

-- Execute plugin
M.execute = function()
  vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Quote", function()
  end, {})

-- Setup method
M.setup = function(args)
  M.config = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", M.config, args or {})

return M

This module defines the plugin’s core functionality:

  • config: Stores plugin configuration.
  • get_quote: Retrieves a quote based on the configured site.
  • execute: Creates the :Quote command.
  • setup: Initializes the plugin with user-defined options.

The final plugin source code is published on github