
A Software Engineer and Occasional Writer.

Working With WordPress Transients API

23 March 2014

The wordpress transients API offers a simple and powerful way to store volatile data in database. It is similar to plugin options API but transients have an expiration time then it will expired and deleted.

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How To Validate Forms With Laravel Part1

13 March 2014

We discussed before form creation with laravel and I think the important thing you need to learn right now is form validation. You should always validate forms to ensure that you receive good data. You shouldn't trust your clients or they will exploit your application.

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Working With MySQL Unions

11 March 2014

MySQL unions used to combine the results of multiple `SELECT` statements into one result. MySQL supports both `UNION` and `UNION ALL` for joining `SELECT` results.

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Working With MySQL Joins

11 March 2014

In PHP applications, Retrieving data from relational tables generally require the use of joins. MySQL joins enable developers to select data from multiple tables with a single SQL statement. Let's explore MYSQL joins.

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How To Install Dependencies With PHP Composer

09 March 2014

Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP developers. It allows you to define all libraries that your application depends on and automatically download these libraries with a simple command. Composer solve many problems, you know if your application depends on many libraries and these libraries depend on other libraries like frameworks ,It will be cumbersome to make all these libraries up to date.

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Laravel Requests and Inputs Part1

08 March 2014

Laravel has awesome methods to retrieve, change, create and store request data. It allows you to handle both `$_GET` and `$_POST` data and store in session or cookies. Let's look at some methods of accessing request data.

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How To Schedule Events Using WordPress Cron

08 March 2014

Cron API is a great feature of wordpress. It allows wordpress to execute certain functions on a schedule. By default, wordpress schedule events to check for new versions and to check for plugins and themes updates. Every time your blog requested by visitor or search engine bot. Wordpress check if there are any cron jobs to run.

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Laravel ORM Part3

06 March 2014

We have discovered eloquent fetching methods in previous parts. It's time to fine tune query constraints as they add custom rules to our queries.

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