Custom Queries with WordPress WP_Query

Custom Queries with WordPress WP_Query

WP_Query is the heart of WordPress. It gives you a lot of control over the website content as well as holding important informations for debugging. It makes building complicated queries a lot easier by passing criteria as an associative array. Understanding WP_Query is a must for theme developers.

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Working With WordPress wpdb Object

Working With WordPress wpdb Object

WordPress offers an object that can be used to access data form default tables and custom tables. The $wpdb object contains several methods to read, insert, delete and update records from tables. Let’s explore these methods in details.

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How To Create WordPress Widgets

How To Create Wordpress Widgets

WordPress provides a great API to create and interact with widgets. Widgets are a great way to allow plugin users to build their blog sidebar easily. I will show you how to create widgets, add widget options and display it in the sidebar.

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Adding Help Tabs In WordPress Plugins Pages

Adding Help Tabs In Wordpress Plugins Pages

WordPress 3.3 introduces the ability to create custom help tabs in plugin pages. You can use these tabs for plugin documentation to allow users to quickly understand your plugin function. I will show you how to add a help tab to your plugin configuration page.

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WordPress Options API

wordpress options api

WordPress provides a set of functions that enable easy access to plugin options. By default wordpress and plugins options are stored in wp_options table. Let’s explore these functions.

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