Learning WordPress Users API

Learning Wordpress Users API

WordPress powers many large websites with thousands of users like blogs, applications, social networks and much more. You will deal with many cases in which you need to work with users and fortunately wordpress has many functions to handle users.

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How To Create Custom Tables In WordPress

How To Create Custom Tables In WordPress

WordPress creates 11 tables to store settings, users data, posts data, comments data, links and terms. In many cases wordpress tables can fit perfectly our plugin data but sometimes you need to create custom tables. WordPress provides a handful function that can create your custom tables and update their structure easily.

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How To Schedule Events Using WordPress Cron

schedule events using wordpress cron

Cron API is a great feature of wordpress. It allows wordpress to execute certain functions on a schedule. By default, wordpress schedule events to check for new versions and to check for plugins and themes updates. Every time your blog requested by visitor or search engine bot. WordPress check if there are any cron jobs to run.

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