Laravel Migrations Part1

laravel migrations

After building your database schemas ,You should be searching if laravel could give some help and run these schemas .Fortunately laravel migrations come in handy. Laravel use custom table to keep track of all migrations that have already run for your application. You know what ?Let’s create a new migration.

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Laravel Schema Builder Part3

Laravel Schema Builder

Once you database tables created ,it is a complex task to update these tables names and their structure .But i think laravel has another opinion .Let’s get started and i will show you how laravel take care of you .

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Laravel Schema Builder Part1

Laravel Schema Builder

Does your application need to store data in a database ? Well let’s see if laravel will give help .Laravel support MySQL ,SQLite ,PostgreSQL and SQL Server Platforms .Also it has very flexible abstraction layer .It can work with multi database applications .Secured as it escape value for you .Let’s explore how laravel take care of you .

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Learning Laravel Views

learning laravel views

Laravel like any php framework separate visual aspects of your application from business logic .Before we get started to explore templating syntax . I will show you how to render view files from a route or controller .

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Laravel Routing

Laravel Routing

Laravel 4.1 provides us with a handful routing API which can be used for both small and large application .Also with this API you can define RESTful controllers ,and controllers can have predefined methods to receive requests via GET,PUT,DELETE,POST and UPDATE .we will see this later in subsequent tutorials but now we will discus basic routing API.

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