Laravel ORM Part2

laravel orm

We discussed later how to retrieve rows as objects and perform basic CRUD methods on them. Well,there are other good tasks that eloquent can perform. Let’s discuss some of them and the rest will be discussed in subsequent parts.

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Laravel ORM Part1

laravel orm

Laravel is a MVC PHP framework so it ships with its own ORM component called “Eloquent”. Eloquent will take care of records retrieval for us. We don’t have to write any SQL line. Let’s explore eloquent basic CRUD methods .

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Learning Laravel Views

learning laravel views

Laravel like any php framework separate visual aspects of your application from business logic .Before we get started to explore templating syntax . I will show you how to render view files from a route or controller .

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Laravel Routing

Laravel Routing

Laravel 4.1 provides us with a handful routing API which can be used for both small and large application .Also with this API you can define RESTful controllers ,and controllers can have predefined methods to receive requests via GET,PUT,DELETE,POST and UPDATE .we will see this later in subsequent tutorials but now we will discus basic routing API.

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