Working With MySQL Joins

working with mysql unions

In PHP applications, Retrieving data from relational tables generally require the use of joins. MySQL joins enable developers to select data from multiple tables with a single SQL statement. Let’s explore MYSQL joins.

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How To Install Dependencies With PHP Composer

Install Dependencies With PHP Composer

Composer is a dependency management tool for PHP developers. It allows you to define all libraries that your application depends on and automatically download these libraries with a simple command. Composer solve many problems, you know if your application depends on many libraries and these libraries depend on other libraries like frameworks ,It will be cumbersome to make all these libraries up to date.

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Laravel Requests and Inputs Part1

laravel requests and inputs

Laravel has awesome methods to retrieve, change, create and store request data. It allows you to handle both $_GET and $_POST data and store in session or cookies. Let’s look at some methods of accessing request data.

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Laravel ORM Part3

laravel orm

We have discovered eloquent fetching methods in previous parts. It’s time to fine tune query constraints as they add custom rules to our queries.

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Laravel ORM Part2

laravel orm

We discussed later how to retrieve rows as objects and perform basic CRUD methods on them. Well,there are other good tasks that eloquent can perform. Let’s discuss some of them and the rest will be discussed in subsequent parts.

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Laravel ORM Part1

laravel orm

Laravel is a MVC PHP framework so it ships with its own ORM component called “Eloquent”. Eloquent will take care of records retrieval for us. We don’t have to write any SQL line. Let’s explore eloquent basic CRUD methods .

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